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Astrology: Synergy

Join us for insights into the dance of the planets between your chart and that of someone close to you.

Class Structure

We will meet Monday evenings for 4 weeks via Zoom

Date & Time

February 12 - March 11 from 8-10PM ET



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Class Descriton

Class Description

Description coming soon...

Meet the Instructors

Meet the Instructors

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Cynthea Jones has studied a variety of metaphysical practices for most of her life. She has also created, taught, and provided experiential training for people from all over the country. Her  style is charismatic, insightful, and individualized

Patricia Storm has a Master's Degree in Psychology and has integrated Psychology with Metaphysics in order to empower individuals to understand themselves and find their own solutions to their personal life challenges as well as develop their unique talents and skills.

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