Spiraling Inward 2025
Those Tarot Archetypes, we see them as images portrayed in a Tarot deck. We examine their images for clues that tell us who they are, who we are. This year, we will free the first 8 Archetypes from the cards and meet them in the world within us and around us.
Twenty-two Archetypes in the Tarot. Three Rows of Seven.
The First Seven cards, the Magician to the Charioteer, show us a path of self-claiming. The second seven cards show us the art and process of interacting with each other and the world around us. The final seven - our relationship to the divine, to the infinite sky above us.
This year begins in January with that 22nd card, that 0 card. Are you ready to meet the Fool within you? What does that place of pure spirit want to tell you? Absolute faith, trust – Foolish yes, but so wise. The year begins by letting this force of being out of the box. Let them step off the card. It is not a mystery; you have always known the Fool within; it is just a matter of recalling and reclaiming this sacred part of yourself. Then- the “first” 7 cards await, eager to present themselves to you.
Journey with us. The second Saturday of each month - from 2:00 until 5:00 Eastern time January through June and September through November. Trance work, journal work, whole group sharing and small group discussions. The Tarot invites you to discover and claim yourself in a new way.
Sliding Scale:
Or 3 Payments of $175 - $200
completed by April 1st.