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Astrological Reports

These reports require birth data.


Please complete the astrological information form below if you have not had a previous report or astrological consultation with us.

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Sky Log

Sky Log

Using  a sophisticated computer-generated software we develop an astrology report written by Steven Forrest that deals with astrological "current events"--transits and progressions. Based on Steven's book The Changing Sky, your SkyLog is delivered to you as a pdf document up 20 pages long, depending on how many astrological configurations are at play.


Expressing Steven's unique approach, the focus in this report is on freedom, choice, and personal responsibility instead of prediction.


Your report is divided into 3 sections:

1. The Invitation describes developmental challenges and potentials

2. The Means covers the changing tactics and strategies appropriate during that time

3. The Details offers a day-by-day analysis of the ever-shifting astrological weather.

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Sky Within Report

Sky Within

The Sky Within computer-generated astrology report is based on your natal chart using your actual birth time. Using original text written by Steven Forrest, the information you'll receive in the report is based on what you would receive in a basic natal reading. Although a report can't compare with an in-person reading, it's a great place to start learning about your chart. These also make great gifts for friends or family members you'd like to introduce to astrology.


This report provides:

-Descriptions for each of the major symbols in the chart, including the major planets, the sun, moon and ascendant (or rising sign)

-A brief interpretation of the Lunar Nodes according to sign and house placement.


Please note: The report does not include descriptions of every aspect, but does include descriptions of conjunctions to the Sun or Moon.

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Steven Forrest

Sky Within Report

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